Simply Brown Coffee: What Does Organic Colombian Coffee Taste Like?

Simply Brown Coffee: What Does Organic Colombian Coffee Taste Like?

Columbian coffee is one of the most popular types of coffee in the world. But what does it taste like? And where can you find the best Columbian coffee? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and more! We'll talk about the history of Columbian coffee, as well as the different regions where it is grown. We'll also discuss some of the most popular Columbian coffees on the market today. So if you're looking for a delicious cup of Columbian coffee, read on!

How is Colombian Coffee Different?

Buying coffee sometimes is difficult as one can easily confuse its labels. Several coffee drinks may say 100 % Colombian coffee, while others are saying “original Colombian”. I am here today to correct all misconceptions about Colombian coffee. Colombian coffee differs greatly in terms of cultivation conditions. Colombian coffees are always Arabica beans, better quality Colombian coffee beans. This particular Colombian coffee bean has an exceptional growing environment which increases flavor thanks to elevation soils a lot more than sunlight.

History of Colombian Coffee

In 1739 a Jesuit priest José Gumilla reported on a coffee plant in Colombia. Upon his arrival at Tabajé's mission, he takes coffee to where meta rivers flow into the Orinoco. Although encouraged to cultivate coffee plants, locals were initially reluctant to grow. A faulty harvest time and five years of harvest prevented them from importing coffee into the crops. Priest Francisco Romaro thought about offering coffee for penances. They were told they had three to four coffees planted in a field. That's how coffee began to flourish in Colombia. Priest Francisco Romero was instrumental in the establishment of coffee crops in the northeastern regions of Colombia.

The first coffee crop in Colombia was planted in the municipality of San Agustín, in the department of Huila. The people there grew coffee for their own consumption and did not export it. In fact, it was not until 1835 that coffee began to be exported from Colombia. At that time, some 100 kilograms were sent to Europe. The Colombian coffee industry began to grow rapidly in the 1850s, when large plantations were established in the valleys of the Cauca and Magdalena rivers. By 1875, Colombia was the world's leading producer of coffee, a position it would hold for more than 20 years.

During this time, most of the coffee grown in Colombia was exported to Europe. However, by the early 1900s, increasing numbers of Americans were beginning to drink coffee, and Colombia became an important supplier of Colombian coffee beans to the United States as well. Today, although it is no longer the world's largest producer of coffee, Colombia remains one of the most important suppliers of high-quality beans. More than half a million small farmers produce about 12 percent of the world's coffee on some 420,000 hectares of land.

Volcanic soil, mild temperatures, abundant rainfall, and year-round sunlight provide ideal growing conditions for coffee in Colombia. Most of the country's coffee is grown in the mountainous regions of the Andes. The three main coffee-growing regions are located in the departments of Antioquia, Caldas, and Risaralda. These three departments produce about 70 percent of Colombia's coffee.

The remaining 30 percent is grown in the departments of Huila, Tolima, Cauca, and Valle del Cauca. Coffee plants are also grown in the department of Santander, although to a lesser extent. The main coffee-growing regions are located at altitudes between 600 and 1800 meters above sea level.


Typically Colombian coffee has a relatively low production base and then is harvested, wet-processed, or steamed to be milled and exported through Colombian Coffee Federation. The heights at the top of Colombia reach up to 1400 m / 1000 m. The high peaks are characterized by excellent quality Colombian coffees. Colombian coffee is usually washed and dried on patios. Because of Colombia's sheer size, geography season differs by area: The most of its crop is taken between September and January, but a number occurs between April and September. And the volcanic soil, which is rich in organic matter, provides ideal growing conditions for coffee. Colombian farmers often grow coffee on small plots of land, which they clear by hand. Coffee farmers use simple tools, such as machetes, to remove weeds and underbrush. Coffee plants are typically grown under the shade of taller trees. This helps protect them from the hot sun and heavy rains.

After the coffee cherries are picked, they are placed in sacks and taken to a central processing facility, where they are sorted and graded. The coffee beans are then placed in large tanks of water, where they are cleaned and fermented. This process removes the fruit pulp from the beans. The beans are then washed again and placed on patios or raised beds to dry in the sun. Once they are dry, the beans are hulled and sorted. The best beans are then bagged and shipped to coffee roasters around the world.


Colombian coffee beans are extremely forgiving for almost every roast, making the choice completely individual and personalized. A relatively mild Colombia coffee flavor makes it ideal in espresso roasted dark without causing a bitter taste. The sheer quantity of Colombian coffee in this market is a great advantage, and it has aggressive prices which make for lowering the cost of a single cup of coffee while preserving the intense flavors. We recommend finding brands that are freshly roasted for coffee so that the oils don't get too greasy in your coffee grinder.

Different roasts of Colombian coffee beans can range from light to dark, depending on the preferences of the person brewing it. A light roast will preserve more of the bean's natural oils, while a darker roast will bring out more of the bean's inherent flavor. Some people prefer a lighter roast for its delicate taste, while others find that a darker roast brings out more of the coffee's body and richness. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide which roast they prefer. Dark roast coffees are typically more robust and full-bodied, while light roast coffees tend to be more delicate and nuanced. These beans can be roasted to suit any preference, making it a versatile coffee for all types of drinkers. Medium roast coffees are a happy middle ground between light and dark, and tend to be the most popular type of roast. Colombian coffee beans roasted to a medium roast are well-balanced and have a rich flavor that is not too overwhelming. If you are unsure of what roast to choose, a medium roast is always a safe bet.

What Does Colombian Coffee Taste Like?

Colombian coffee is typically described as tasting sweet, with a fruity or floral aroma and a rich body. The acidity is bright but not overwhelming, and the finish is clean and crisp. These characteristics vary depending on the specific region where the Colombian coffee beans were grown. For example, coffees from the Huila region are known for their chocolatey flavor, while those from Tolima tend to be more fruity. Coffees from Nariño are often described as having a "wild" taste, while those from Cauca are known for their balance and sweetness. In general, Colombian coffees are full-bodied with a moderate acidity. They are well-rounded and have a sweet, clean finish. "Medium body flavor with a bright acidity and rich aroma."

Is Colombian coffee strong?

Colombian coffee generally has more flavor than other coffee producing countries. Colombian coffee is produced using Arabica commonly known as higher-quality coffee beans. The Arabic Coffee Bean is lighter than Robusta. Therefore your coffee in Colombia will typically feel softer than the Robusta-style cup.

Flavor Profile

Most beans grown here are Arabica, so they offer better flavor profiles. Arabic coffee is distinguished by a sweet lightness, high acidity and mild taste. During this wet filtration, the beans have the most characteristic Colombian beans enhancing their flavor and promoting a brighter color. Although flavor variation depends on where beans grow, Colombian coffee bean taste notes are mainly chocolate, nuts, berries and acidic citrus. The coffee has a medium smooth body and tropical flavor and has a sweet citrus aroma.

Colombian coffee brewing methods 

There are many different ways to brew Colombian coffee, but the most popular methods are using a stovetop coffee maker or an espresso machine.

Stovetop Coffee Makers

Stovetop coffee makers are the most common type of coffee maker in Colombia, and they come in a variety of sizes and designs. The most important thing to remember when brewing with a stovetop coffee maker is to never boil the water; boiling will make the coffee taste bitter.

Espresso Machines

Espresso machines are also popular in Colombia, especially in cafes. Brewing with an espresso machine requires a bit more skill than using a stovetop coffee maker, but the results are worth it. A good espresso has a rich flavor and a thick crema (the foam on top).

Other Brewing Methods

There are many other ways to brew coffee, including using a French press, a drip coffee maker, or even just boiling water on the stovetop and adding ground coffee. Experiment and find the method that works best for you.

Making The Perfect Cup of Colombian Coffee

Choose the right coffee beans - fresh, whole, and roasted

When it comes to making a great cup of Colombian coffee, the most important ingredient is undoubtedly the coffee beans. Make sure to choose beans that are fresh, whole, and roasted in order to get the best flavor. Once you have your beans, it's time to start brewing!

Grind the beans yourself for the best flavor

There is no denying that freshly ground coffee beans make the best cup of coffee. If you want to get the most flavor out of your beans, make sure to grind them yourself just before brewing. This will ensure that your coffee is as fresh as possible and tastes its best.

Use filtered water for a cleaner cup of coffee

If you want to make a truly great cup of Colombian coffee, it is important to use filtered water. This will help to remove any impurities from the water, which can impact the flavor of your coffee. In addition, using filtered water will also help to keep your coffee maker clean and free of buildup.

Brew at the right temperature

Another important factor in brewing a great cup of Colombian coffee is the temperature of the water. Make sure to brew at around 200 degrees Fahrenheit in order to get the best flavor from your beans. If the water is too hot, it can scald the beans and ruin their flavor.

Boil water to the perfect temperature before adding it to the grounds

When it comes to brewing the perfect cup of Colombian coffee, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, you'll want to make sure that you boil your water to the perfect temperature before adding it to the grounds.

Steep coffee grounds for the perfect length of time

Colombian coffee is known for its rich flavor, so you'll want to make sure that you steep the grounds for the perfect length of time in order to extract all of the flavor

Brewing methods vary throughout Colombia, with most people using either a filter or French press method. Some regions will also use an espresso machine. No matter which method you use, make sure to pay attention to the grind of the beans as well as the water to coffee ratio in order to get the perfect cup of coffee

Pour slowly and avoid stirring to preserve flavor and crema

Once you've brewed your coffee, it's important to pour slowly and avoid stirring in order to preserve the flavor and crema. Stirring can cause bitterness and ruin all of your hard work.

What is Coffee Crema?

Coffee crema is the delicious, creamy layer that forms on top of a freshly brewed cup of coffee. It's made up of coffee oils and solubles that are extracted from the beans during the brewing process.

Coffee crema is an important part of the brewing process and contributes to the overall flavor of the coffee. Make sure to pour slowly and avoid stirring in order to preserve the crema.

Brewing the perfect cup of Colombian coffee takes a little bit of practice, but it's well worth the effort. Keep these tips in mind and you'll be on your way to enjoying a delicious cup of coffee.

Following these tips should help you produce a delicious cup of coffee with a beautiful crema. If you're looking for an authentic Colombian taste, be sure to try one of the many specialty coffees from our online store. Our innovative roasting process brings out the common flavor profiles and emphasizes the tasting notes of each geographic nuance. Our award-winning coffees have something for everyone, so browse our selection and order your favorite today.

Buying coffee sometimes is difficult as one can easily confuse its labels. Several coffee drinks may say 100% Colombian coffee, while others are saying “original Colombian”. I am here today to correct all misconceptions about Colombian coffee. Colombian coffee differs greatly in terms of cultivation conditions. Colombian coffees are always Arabica beans, better quality beans. This particular bean has an exceptional growing environment which increases flavor thanks to elevation soils a lot more than sunlight.

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